Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Good of Two...

Ezra is now over the one month hump. During this short time he has experienced many of the penal fall outs from Adam's folly. For the past few weeks he has been labouring simultaneously with thrush (a yeast infection on his tongue), a cold, and my personal favorite conjunctivitis (aka pink-eye). He has a had rough few weeks, but I figure all this suffering is wonderful introduction into life.

Manuela and I am coping well. I have found that the addition of child number two is a larger adjustment than the first. Most likely because now i have to play a more active role. When we had just Mila, Manuela could handle the loin's share of the educating. But with Ezra now on the scene and monopolizing all of Manuela's time I'm needed to tend to lil'o Mila. I think Manuela has received the better hand in this deal. All Ezra does is sleep and eat, while Mila - who bytheby has entered that wonderful phase so befittingly called 'the terrible twos' - spends the entire day conceiving ways how to be defiant and erupting in fits of fury when she fails to get what she wills. Consequently, I spend my days disciplining and pacifying and the 20 minutes in between writing grand treatise on the grandeur of the beatific vision. This paradox my friends is the good of the Christian vocation!

One further note - Ezra is being Baptized on the 29th. My sister Veronica and her and humble and pious husband Andy have consented to by the godparents. Please keep all of us in your prayers on this date.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Alleluia, He has Risen!

A blessed and joyous Easter Octave to you and yours from the Meloche Clan in SWF. After Mass, the local Parish had an Easter egg-free-for-all (see attached pics). We were a bit surprised to witness Mila's competitive nature. She was in in "0-3" age grouping and was not at all intimidated by the size and maturity of some of the other kids. Mila was not even fazed by the 'intimidation tactics' of one of the larger kids (I think he should been in an older grouping - he was at least 5 feet tall, appeared to have forgotten to shave and kept repeating to Mila the phrase: 'you ain't nutt'in'). Even in the face of such opposition, Mila was a stand out. She waited for the appropriate signal to start and as soon as the flag was dropped she busted out and snagged up her first egg even before the other kids realized what was happening. Her first step was reminiscent of Ben Johnson in his world record jaunt - minus the yellow eyes! Once she had a leg on the other kids it was clear sailing. At times she was 'double fisting', that is, setting down her chicken basket and grabbing two eggs at one time, to utilize time and energy - her technique was poetic. Needless to say she filled up her little basket in record time and left utterly content. It was quite the display of raw athletic talent.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Donkey riding

No specfic reason to write today. Just a profound desire to show off my family. Wishing everyone a Holy Ghost filled Holy week.