Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Shaving of Aslan

"Stop!" said the witch. "Let him first be shaved." ogre with a pair of shears came forward and squatted down by Aslan's great head. Snip, snip, snip went the shears and masses of curling gold began to fall to the ground...You could see the face of Aslan looking all small and different without his mane...

"Why, he's only a great cat after all!"... "Is that what we were afraid of?"

The Lion , the Witch and the Wardrobe

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sweet and Six

Birthday cake.

Birthday girl with brother.

Birthday girl opening gifts...Mommy can't wait to play this particular one with you :)

Fun family photo. (Notice Simon sporting Mimi's brand new boots)

Well...our 'little' girl has turned six. Sad but true. She is quite pleased with herself about the whole matter despite our best efforts to stop time. She did have a very happy little birthday replete with balloons, homemade birthday cake, presents, good food and family.

Thanks Zia Laura for coming to visit us.

For dinner we had homemade mac and cheese with spinach...we didn't want our dearheart to be completely spoiled, birthday or no).

A splendid time was had by all. May God bless you Mimi.