Some more pics of Simom and the Family. Wishing all a peaceful Chirstmas.
Our family strives to live a simple, rural life steeped in the rich traditions of our Catholic faith while managing a small farmstead. Our hope is that this 'poetic' experience will, by God's grace, lead us to the ultimate Divine Experience . We are lovers of all things Good, True, and Beautiful doing our thing in the heart of Oklahoma.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Well you know my name is...
I am writing this post while staring at the bottom of an empty stein of German Hefe Weizen. The occasion for such a celebratory drink...the birth of Simon Michael! At 14:14 this afternoon Manuela gave birth to a whopping 8.15 pound strapping lad. Everyone is doing great. Here are a few pics. O' Bonitas!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Manuela is now three days past her due date. The family is all prepared to welcome the latest addition; however, the little fella is trying our patience. Perhaps the lad is revealing his innate devotion to Our Blessed Virgin Mother and is waiting for the feast day of the Immaculate Conception to be born (Dec. 8). If such is the case we shall have to name him "Marie". O Immaculate Virgin, intercede for us!
Friday, November 6, 2009
If they don't find you handsome...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Mila's Big 04!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Pinky and Nibble
According to Aquinas the father is not only the principle of generation but also of upbringing and teaching. Consequently, I decided to give my children a hands-on 'instructio' in the art of poultryology - the discipline of raising chickens. The family constructed the hen house and the other day we went out to a local farm and Mila picked out these two fine chicks from the brood. She has subsequently named them Pinky (the large white one) and Nibbles (the brownish colored one). The kids are already quite attached to the chicks - the wake up every morn wanting to go feed them. It should be interesting to see their response in 8 months when they end up on the kitchen table coated in a Cajun rub. Some lessons can be painful...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Summer Pics
I pray everyone is well and enjoying the summer. Things here are grand. Manuela is over her morning sickness and is absolutely adorable with her little 'bulge'. Mila has begun 'school' (Manuela has turned a corner of our house into a classroom), and Ezra - a mute, but highly entertaining, ball of energy. My time is occupied with the task of wading through the pile of household projects that I had neglected during the past semester. It feels good to wake up in the morning with a sore back and blistered hands. Praise God for long summer days and cold Belgium beers!
Here are a few pics of Mila, aka Madame Butterfly and Ezra, aka the Incredible Hulk
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Ballerina Mila
In an attempt to enhance lil'Mila's gross motor skills we have enrolled her in ballet class. As you can see she needs a little work...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Extra, Extra...Read all about it!
Well it has been a while since my last post and a lot has transpired. Let's see... Ezra turned two, we celebrated Easter, I passed my 'comps' and now am an ABD (all put dissertation), we painted our house (thanks nonno!), the most pro-abortion president is scheduled to receive an honorary law degree from the most prestigious Catholic University in American, I will be teaching my first full course in the fall (Professor has nice ring, does it not?)and Manuela is pregnant. Having successful negotiated the comps, hopefully, I will will have a wee bit more free time to write and post more often. Until then...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
real men wear pink...and a tutu?
Wondering why her precious children were so silent, Manuela peeked into the living room to find Ezra adorned in Mila's pink ballet outfit. Manuela found this so cute she busted out the camera to record the event. Of, course I had a different take on the event. After watching the footage I promptly went out and bought my boy a new truck, a toy gun and the complete Jon Wayne DVD series.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
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