Sunday, February 23, 2014

Busy Little Bee

I know, I know, it's been a while since I last posted an entry. I am so sorry for the delay,  the wait must have been down right ever did you cope? I feel so bad.  Go ahead...say it. Just say what we're both thinking: I'm a bad blogger. Bad bad blogger.

In truth, there really hasn't been much to report; other than the baby has started to crawl and clap his hands...not at the same time mind you:
Tell me that is not the cutest thing. Ever.

"We" are still doing the Forks Over Knives Experiment and I have made some real creative and tasty dishes.  Here are some of my favorites:
* Cabbage 'Unrolls' stuffed with sauteed onions, grated carrots, blended chickpeas and brown rice topped with homemdade tomato sauce...a veritable vegan victory! It is a modification on the Garbanzo Bean Loaf from the Forks Over Knives recipe book (I would use half the dry mustard and half the sauce)
* Eggplant Caviar served with stoneground crackers - heavenly!
* Walnut Sauce which can be used however you wish: over cooked kale, in wraps, as a dip...I used it over pasta: and threw some freshly chopped parsley on top.  I loved it AND the the kids ate it right up...BONUS!

*Red Bean and Quinoa Chili
*Mediterranean Chickpea Salad: (Wonderful! I modified the recipe slightly by soaking and cooking my own beans instead of using canned (remember my thing abour preservatives? They are even in most canned beans...Boo Hiss Hiss!) and by using cherry tomatoes and omitting the red pepper, cucumber and feta cheese.  I also made my own light dressing to avoid the dairy and because the natives were getting restless, I threw on some olive oil, lemon juice and red wine vinegar.  Salt and Pepper to taste.  So, bascially I changed the entire recipe. It worked.

*Polenta Pizza with tomato sauce veggies and cashew 'cheeseballs'
*Stuffed Butternut Squash with Maple-glazed apples and brussel sprouts:

* Eggplant burgers with Honey-Glazed carrots and parsnips (a new family fav!):

All vegan meals aside, what has really taken a lot of my time was preparing for my friend's baby shower, which was yesterday.  My other friend and I joined creative forces to present to our friend with as many homemade gifts as we me crazy, but it was fun!
I made homemade wipes and homemade baby wipe solution.  I also made a reversible travel change pad/play mat:

 Change Pad with waterproof fabric

Play Mat with a soft corduroy fabric

My friend and I made nursing pads too and they turned out so cute and feminine and although I don't have a picture of the ones we made, I do have the image from the website where we got the idea.  We changed it slightly by sewing only one circular zigzag stitch instead of two:


And now... for my favorite part: DESSERT! I made the cookies for the party favors ( I prefer the Italian term for them: just sounds cuter and better than 'party favor':  "Bonbonniere" screams unique and something high-quality, while 'party favor' just says 'Throw me away. Right now.') 
Anywho, here are the cookies:

See? Unique and high-quality, right?

And the best part is, you see the cute little duckling on the side? Pure chocolate....Yes, it is.

The cake was sooo good I actually had a piece.  Replete with dairy and refined sugar etc. I ate it and  was not ashamed, I enjoyed every morsel. Yes, I cheated but it was a conscious decision and I don't feel bad about it.  ...Out, damned spot!  Out I say!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

A Cookie for a Vegan Rookie

I think I'm in withdrawal... I need something sweet. But what kind of dessert can I make without eggs, butter or milk? I mean, really, this is so stupid.   I said I was going to do this and I will, but, by golly, I will have dessert!
Enter: non-dairy chocolate chunks:

They don't look all that special but watch what they can do when they are called to action:

I just finished my third cookie...
I'll bet my bottom dollar that you've never had a vegan chocolate chip cookie and if you've had, I bet it didn't taste THIS good.   (We went to Vegas once and Richard made the mistake of leaving me alone at the blackjack table...BIG mistake;  but that's another story entirely) This recipe was so easy and quick to make, it may prove to be a major hindrance to the whole health kick thing I'm going for. At any rate, these cookies taste like the REAL deal people. Delicious!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

No Meat, No Eggs, No Dairy, Leave Your Weapons Here...

Have you seen the documentary Forks Over Knives yet? If you haven't, let me just say two things: Watch. It. Watch it, if for nothing else, to say you've seen it. It is all about the meat and dairy industries, what they claim and the documented health benefits of eating a whole-food plant-based diet.
I watched it last year before I got pregnant and I had already started to incorporate some of the plant-based recipes into our weekly menu.  Then of course, I got pregnant and all I craved was meat. Drat.
Well, here we are , one year + later and I am inspired anew.
First, let me explain why: we recently watched another documentary (what? I happen to like documentaries)  Fat,Sick and Nearly Dead and was reminded of the benefits of incorporating more fruits and vegetables into our diet. Yes, I know it is a no-brainer.  But, the difference is, coupling that with the information, statistics and research behind the documentary in  Forks Over Knives made me want to revisit the plant-based diet claim EXCLUSIVELY.

 Yep, I bought into it hook, line and sinker.  I'm a gullible and impresionable individual. And now, for ONE WHOLE MONTH (we started February 3rd), we are going to eat an ENTIRELY whole-food plant-based diet.  We is a very fluid word...more like 'I '.  Richard is not exactly on board.  He's 'on board' when I prepare the meals, but when it comes to breakfast and snacks he high tails it to the "other side".

So, I am eating a plant-based diet because:
1. I am easily impressed
2. I am often times gullible
3. I want to try something new
4. I want to test their theory
3. I am scared of eating meat and dairy now.

The problem is, of course:
1. I love milk and butter
2. I love sweets
3. How do I replace a good pot roast?
4. I live in the land of milk and beef.

The trick is baby steps people, baby steps.
To address the milk and butter issue, I purchased almond/coconut milk and it serves its purpose well enough.  The butter was going to be more of a challenge. When I went to the grocery store in search of a vegan "butter" spread there was none to be found.  They all had either lactose or partially hydrogenated fats and/or preservatives.  Preservatives? Preserva-nothing! I hates preservatives. They are everywhere, once you start looking for them, you'll notice them in everything, hiding in ingredient lists, being real sneaky-like. I'm on to them...little toxic cowards.
Anyway, when I came home, I did a little online research and ended up making my own whipped "butter". It tastes good and is very satisfying.  How did I make it, you ask? My, aren't we nosy? Actually, I took equal parts of olive oil and organic extra virgin coconut oil and threw in some sea salt then refrigerated it until it turned opaque. Then I took out my ugly handheld beater and whipped it up until it was light and fluffy:  Voila! Better than butter!

I have a severe and chronic sweet tooth.  I have no shame in that.  So how do I do a plant-based diet when chocolate, sugar, butter, eggs and cream cheese and I have been one big HAPPY family for so long? Well, again research and, just like our American borders, there are ways around these obstacles.  For example, yesterday was the feast day of St. Agatha,
which happens to be one of Mila's favorite saints (any excuse to celebrate is a good one here in the Meloche household) and, come heck or high water, I was determined to make a sweet something or other.  So I  made a Raw Carrot Cake. I found it in the Forks Over Knives Recipe book... Here's the recipe:

1 C. raisins
1 lg or 2 med. organic carrots, finely grated
2 C. whole walnuts, chopped finely
1/2 C organic shredded coconut
1 tbsp. tahini
1/4 C. maple syrup
1 tsp. pure vanill extract
pinch of cinnamon
pinch of cloves

1. Soak the raisins in filtered water until plump, then rinse and finely chop.  Put into a large bowl and add the rest of the ingredients.  Mix well, then press into a glass pie dish.
2. Let sit for one hour.  Frost with Vegan "cream cheese" icing and serve.

Vegan Cream Cheese Icing:
1 C. cashews
juice from 1 lemon
1/4 C. maple syrup
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract

1. Blend on high the cashews and lemon juice to break down the cashews and get a creamy texture, adding a splash of water as needed.  Add the rest of the ingredients and puree until desire consistency is achieved.  You want a silky, creamy texture. I didn't get that , but it's what you want. Here's the end result:
Not bad right?  Or so we thought... no one liked it except me.

How do I replace a good pot roast?
Well, for a simple answer: I made a polenta pizza yesterday that no one complained about - that's a success in my book.  I cooked cornmeal and spread it on a baking sheet and baked it at 350 degrees for15-20min. Then I spread tomato sauce on top and threw some cashew cheese balls ( pureeed cashews, lemon juice, tahini sauce and some water) and fresh veggies on top.  Then I yelled, "Come and get your grub people!" It was a lovely meal.

Now more than ever, St. Agatha, pray for us....