Our family strives to live a simple, rural life steeped in the rich traditions of our Catholic faith while managing a small farmstead. Our hope is that this 'poetic' experience will, by God's grace, lead us to the ultimate Divine Experience . We are lovers of all things Good, True, and Beautiful doing our thing in the heart of Oklahoma.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Let's get ready to rummmmble...
The above pictures are are series of photos capturing the reigning and undisputed ultra-ultra feather weight champion of the world Mila "the Mauler" Meloche defending her belt from her most recent rival PrettyBoy Vallejo. The first pic is from the pre-game weigh-in where the competitors are shown sizing up one another. The second picture shows The Mauler taunting Vallejo. The following three pics are of the actual rumble. The Mauler slapped on a choke submission hold which caused the official to jump in an stop the fight at 26.3 seconds into the first round.
The champ is currently training for a match against an 'up and new comer', Boom-Boom Bennett, tentatively scheduled for the summer of 2008 in Harrow, Canada. Advanced tickets are available for purchase by calling 1-800-the-horror-in-harrow.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
All Hollows Eve
To celebrate the day in which we recall the triumphant victory of all those who have persevered in this valley of tears and are now, consequently, enjoying the perpetual bliss of the beatific vision, Mila, Ezra and their cousin Aidan took to the streets, begged for treats, and gorged themselves on their booty. A good time was had by all! O death where is thou sting?!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Time flies...
We here at the Meloche Surf Shack celebrated a milestone on Thursday. Our lil'nipper, believe it or not, celebrated her 2nd birthday. We spent the day eagerly awaiting the consumption of the carrot cake (with cream cheese icing) that Manuela made. Whereafter Mila tore into her gifts with super skill and swiftness like a hyena tearing into the flesh of a dead wildebeest. The similitude was truly frightening.
The next day the festivities continued as we spent the day at the local zoo. As the attached photos illustrate, every one had a blast.
Friday, August 17, 2007
the going ons

For those of you who eagerly await my post (unlikely, but such a thought is good for my ego), my apologies for the rather lengthy delay. Work and family obligations have kept me busy over the summer break. Things here are laudable. Manuela has adjusted all the appropriate knobs and lubricated the necessary sprockets and consequently, she has the domestic engine firing on all cylinders. It is a thing of beauty to behold.
Mila, as a result of her increased ability to communicate and our increased disciplinary tactics, has relented in her wave of parental revolt. She is, thanks be to God, once again a joy to be a round. One of her favorite, and more amusing past times, is her "singing" - which is more akin to high pitched squealing repeated over and over again, which, nevertheless, is so delightful to her ears that it subsequently causes her to break out in "dance" - which is a frantic circular trot, inevitably resulting in a dizzied collapse.
There is only one way to describe Ezra...paridisiac. He has begun to flip and flop around like a fish out of water and I am sure it will not be long until he is up on his hands and knees. After that it is just a few short months until he is cracking skulls on the football pitch.
As for me, I am eager to begin classes next week. cheerio.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
Picture perfect
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Evil Keneval

Came home from work and Manuela drew my attention to the walnut sized goosebumb on Mila's skull. Not at all surprised. Mila, of late, has discovered the joy and exhilaration of gravity. She gets quite the kick from climbing up on various objects, counting to three and flinging her little body from it's height. To Mila's surprise, unlike cats, children do not have the ability to right them selves in mid-air.
Ezra is doing great. Still the perfect baby and could spend hours watching him squirm and kick about.
Here a few more pics of the family.
Cheerio from the heat of SWF - thank God for A/C!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007

One day last week, Manuela and I realized that our worse nightmare had became a reality. We knew that this was coming, we could see the signs, but we had hoped that somehow it would miraculously not occur. We awoke one morn to find something new in Mila's crib. We put her to bed a sweet, adorable little baby and she awoke something...different. She had metamorphasized into something new - a creature who omits blood curdling screams and insistently refers to everything as "mine". The professionals call such a creature a 'toddler'. I have included a few pics illustrating the rather dramatic changes. Some may find the following images disturbing. Viewing discretion is advised.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Smooth Sailing
The demands of parenthood have prevented regular posts, but alas, I have a brief respite from tantrums and dirty diapers to report on recent events. In a nut shell everything is swell. Ezra is 2 months old today. He is hitting every developmental marker in stride and of late he has begun flashing his gums - see attached pic. Mila is great when she gets want she wants at the moment she wants it, but any delay or refusal in request causes an inevitable fit to erupt. Her favorite word is "noooo!" and her favorite activity is going to the pool - which she request every 5 minutes from the moment she gets up until the moment she is put to bed. Manuela is doing great. She has adapted well to caring for two lil' furbachioni (for all you non-Italians that means 'tricksters'). It is a mystery to me how she governs this household with what appears to me to be so little effort - it is a mark of a mastery to make things look effortless. As for me, I am still working on my last paper which I hope to finish soon and than I will begin work as a security guard at the new campus for the summer.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Happy Incorporation into the Mystical Body of Christ!
Here a few pics of Ezra's Baptism. Metaphysically speaking it was truly a joyous event - my boy was cleansed of the defects of his fallen flesh and given the power to become a true man, that is a man of virtue and holiness. Practically speaking, however, the baptism was a calamity -Mila, who was an angel throughout the Mass, erupted into a inconsolable hissy fit as soon as the life giving water began to flow, Ezra wailed throughout the ceremony, and I was unable to capture any of the action on account of my camera which failed to work. The day ended well, however, with a celebratory social in which all enjoyed the culinary delights prepared by Manuela.
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