The demands of parenthood have prevented regular posts, but alas, I have a brief respite from tantrums and dirty diapers to report on recent events. In a nut shell everything is swell. Ezra is 2 months old today. He is hitting every developmental marker in stride and of late he has begun flashing his gums - see attached pic. Mila is great when she gets want she wants at the moment she wants it, but any delay or refusal in request causes an inevitable fit to erupt. Her favorite word is "noooo!" and her favorite activity is going to the pool - which she request every 5 minutes from the moment she gets up until the moment she is put to bed. Manuela is doing great. She has adapted well to caring for two lil' furbachioni (for all you non-Italians that means 'tricksters'). It is a mystery to me how she governs this household with what appears to me to be so little effort - it is a mark of a mastery to make things look effortless. As for me, I am still working on my last paper which I hope to finish soon and than I will begin work as a security guard at the new campus for the summer.
1 comment:
yo bro. i just tried to html a real cool congrats to tom & rene. this place disallowed JUST ABOUT ALL OF IT!! please come see what you can do at MySpace!!! look at my friends list. or just check out Cindy'sPage by CLICKING RIGHT HERE!! check out her friend's comments and look at some of the cool posts your friends can do there!! i can't even show you my best smilies in that place that SAYS it works here. MOST OF IT DONT, eh?
BloggerSucksBigTime. i'll create you a ready to go acct at MySpace AND transfer EVERYTHING here to there for you. (if you'd like) html is real pretty AND extremely fun. (when u can use it right.)
let me know. i'll do it for free!! (obviously)
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