Saturday, February 17, 2007


We almost had a frost this morning. None of our topical fauna were damaged but Mila and Manuela were showing the early signs of hypothermia - namely, irritability and persistent complaining about the cold. Consequently, I was coerced, under threat of mutiny, to turn on our 30+ year-old furnace...something which I though I would never have to do in SWF. After a good hour of frustration, and with the help of my apprentice, I was final able to get the pilot to remain on and thus safe my entire family from freezing to death.


Colette&Lou said...

Burr, now that's cold! Good to hear that all you all still have your fingers and toes. It sounds really chilly (insert sarcasm here)! Just to put things in perspective, it's sunny and -25 C here - rather than having the furnance on, we have the window open!!

Unknown said...

Hey Cous'

I may not be as far North as Colette but Montreal is not far of with the temperature. Instead of Sand and Surf we got Snow and