Thanks to all those who participated in the first-ever baby Meloche B-Day pool. Unfortunately for all those who entered no one picked the correct date, which means the small fortune that was being offered for the grand prize will be rolled up into the prize money for the next Meloche kid - which at the rate that we are going should be in about another 10 months.
Manuela, according to her mid-wife, is "ripe" for delivery. She is fully effaced and 3+ centimeters dilated. My lil'boy, however, refuses to leave his watery abode. His stubborn refusal truly reveals his Sicilian heritage and possibly throws a monkey wrench into my master plan. I need Manuela to begin labour no later than 2:00pm this afternoon on account of a patristic exam that I need to write which I am not all that well prepared for and I'm thus in need a viable excuse to skip. Consequently, if my son acquiesces and decides to help out his 'old man' I vow to name him after one of the Patristic fathers...perhaps Polycarp or Tertullian.
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