Monday, April 7, 2008

Mila's latest Masterpiece...

This is what happens when Manuela talks on the phone for 10 min. We figure she didn't have any paper on hand so she used Ezra's face instead...poor unsuspecting Ezra.


Anonymous said...

Priceless !!!! Mom

Unknown said...

HA HA HA!!! Too cute! One more reason to only have one!!

loredana said...

Oh My God!!!! i love that picture, it's soooooo funny, i can't stop laughing, i love those kids miss them soooooo much KISS KISS, to cute. Mila what a character!!

Anonymous said...

Mila is very intelligent. She knew Mommy would be upset if she drew her priceless art work on the wall or table. Ezra now has committed himself to Mila's artistic aspirations. XOXOX Angela