Thursday, March 20, 2014

Best in Show

Mila participated in her very first horse show last week end: the Spring Schooling Show hosted by the Choctaw Round Up Club and she didn't even break a leg!
She did, however, fall off her horse at the very beginning of warm ups because Jitterbug (her horse) was not used to all the commotion and Mila was unable to stop her.  Something she should probably work on.  Ezra said it best when he looked up at me and said, "All she has to say is, 'Whoa!' Mamma... that's so easy!"
But did that fall stop or spook our girl's equitation infatuation? Nope.  She cried a tiny bit but wanted to climb back atop Jitterbug soon after and she went on to win three ribbons to boot! We are so proud of her!

Mila patiently waiting for her turn.

Mila and Jitterbug about to make their debut.

Fourth place in Trot Poles! (The fact that there were only 4 competitors in this event is beside the point.)

Third place in Barrels..

Sweet shot of Mila and the mare.

Weaving poles like a pro!

Movin' on second place in Poles!

Way to go our little Equine Elf. One day, we may even own a horse... a very old and very tired one.

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