Monday, May 5, 2014

Dessert for your Brain and Soul

I have recently come across a good handful of Catholic blogs that I immediately wanted to share with all three of my followers. So I thought I would compile a pretty little list (compiling lists is one of life's greatest satisfactions) of said blogs and websites so that you might avail yourself to their charm and overall awesomeness.

P.S. Stay tuned for the upcoming post devoted to our 10 year wedding exciting!

1. The name says 'playground' but think 'State Fair' to get a better idea of the WONDERFUL resources this website has to offer: coloring pages, activity sheets, recipes, crafts and book reviews! Love it.

2. Where do I even begin?  I haven't even begun to plumb the depths of this amazing little blog whose motto is "...because its important to maintain the collective memory." You have a grandmother (Leila Lawler...recognize the last name?  You will in a minute...) showering down all kinds of maternal, domestic and catholic wisdom to her daughters and her viewers alike; in addition, her daughters contribute to the blog and share their stories, ideas and projects.  There are reproducible worksheets too ( always fun)!  P.S. - If you have a moment,  read her post on The Final Secret to Destruction-Proofing your Family.  I have and I savored every morsel of it.  I read it over and over.  I am very much looking forward to reading her whole series on destruction-proofing your well as EVERYTHING else on her blog! Brilliant.

3.  For those of us teaching Latin to our children, or if you are a Latin enthusiast yourself, this website is a great resource to have at your fingertips.  It provides many, if not all, Catholic prayers in Latin with many of them having a Latin audio recording.  It is neat and well organized and very user-friendly.  Great for kids too.

4. An expansive and well-balanced Catholic News website created by Dr. Jeff Mirius and Phil...Lawler.  Did you catch that?  This catholic couple is so cool: divide and conquer to spread the Word using their strengths and God-given gifts and, at the same time, be beautiful witnesses.  Very neat.  Anyway this website is chock full of current news, witty commentaries and GREAT ideas to incorporate into your domestic church.  I have also made use of their great selection ebooks for various liturgical events.  VERY helpful.

5.  Last, but certainly not least, we have  I know I have probably mentioned this website a few times, but it is worth repeating: this website is, hands down, my FAVORITE website to go to when researching a movie prior to watching with or without the kids.  I just love Steven D. Greydanus. One day I should like a bumber sticker that says "I Heart SDG".  His thorough reviews and pleasant demeanor (watch any one of his 60 second "Reel Faith" reviews) all lend itself to a very enjoyable, informative and helpful website.  And in this day, where a barage of liberal agendas and an acute antagonism towards Christianity await us in almost every film Hollywood produces, it is very satisfying to have this website on hand to help us separate the sheep from the wolves. Two thumbs up, way up.

I will leave you now to enjoy these virtual tasty treats...think of them as dessert for your brain and soul.
Bon Appetit !

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