Wednesday, October 22, 2014

"I Don't Want a Pickle..."

"Nowadays I got me two good wheels,
And I seek refuge in aluminum and steal.
It takes me out there for just a little while, 
And the years fall away with every mile..."

Yes, that is Richard and yes, that is a 'motorcycle' and yes, it does belong to him.  Now, the bike is only 150 cc's (or rams or giggawats) so it is really on the threshold between a motorized bicycle and a motorcycle. He likes to call it a motorcycle.  Be that as it may, he loves riding it and it has saved us a ton of money. He's happy and everyday I am a little less nervous than the day before. Although, I really should find out who the patron saint of motorcycle riders is...
P.S. In case you were wondering, this piglet is called a Sym Wolf Classic 150.
Oh, and if you are wondering why I titled this post the way I did, watch this video and you'll see:)

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