Saturday, August 8, 2015

Good Things

Clearly I was unprepared to maintain school, a family, moving into a 'new' home that needed serious attention and a blog all at the same time.  Something had to give while we moved in and renovated our 'new' (old) house and, sadly, the blog was it.  Nevertheless, I will try to update this dusty blog and devote some time to doing so with attention, thoughtfulness and an acceptable degree of humor: my readers would have it no other way.

Let's start with my favorite subject: Baking. Here are a few goodies that I whipped up in the last 6 months or so:

 I made these in honor of Our Lady.  I was shooting for the Immaculate Conception but I didn't really finish until the feast of Our Lady Of Guadalupe.  No harm done...they were ever so tasty but almost too pretty to eat. Almost.

Ezra's 8th birthday cake. 

I love the checkered layers, right?

Here are some Easter cupcakes that turned out nicely. I made two buttercream frostings: Fresh Lemon and Fresh Strawberry.  It was too hard to decide which I liked best...but if you had to twist my arm, I'd say Lemon: DElightful!

My first First Communion Cake:) I call it the Pretty in Pink.

An assortment of biscotti.  Who doesn't like biscotti?

Here are some pickles I canned with the staggering abundance of cucumbers from our garden.

Canned peaches I made with honey instead of goal is that they last us through the winter.  I hope they make it that long;)

I know this isn't a very exciting or thorough post but I'm a little out of practice.  I hope to have another entry SOON showing the improvements we have made on the house as well as other exciting events! Stay tuned...

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