Sunday, May 1, 2016

Easter Sweetness and Beyond

As we celebrated the Ressurection of our Lord, the kids uncovered an obscene amount of sweets and Augustin embodied that sweetness entirely by his reaction to said myriad of goodies and treats that seemingly came out of nowhere!

This is what happens when I ask Augustin to smile.





Oh boy!


And for a special treat, I made these Italian Peaches for Easter dessert.  Can you find the sweetest peach in the picture???

Here is a cute foxy cake I made for my Godson'd birthday.  It is a 3-layer buttermilk chocolate cake with white chocolate frosting.  It was delicious but so hard to eat such a cute thing!

Here's another cake I made.  I know nothing of Minecraft but I do know this is cute:)

Speaking of cute...

here are Gwen and Oreo, Mila's latest litter.  She sold Oreo but couldn't bring herself to...

sell Gwen.  Be still my little heart!

In April we had a visit from Grandma and Grandpa.

I love this shot.

Richard took the boys fishing one afternoon in April...

My two cowboys.

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