Monday, August 26, 2019

Meet Bridget!

Can I just say I think Bridget is amazing? I came across Bridget's website ( so many years ago. I never thought I would actually get to, one day, interview her.  Her cookies are incredible and baking tips invaluable.  I have so much respect for this baker extraordinaire.  Honestly, it is because of her that I really got into baking and made more of an effort with the little raw talent I had.  I can't say enough about her and her website.  She is a total inspiration and all kindness and loveliness.  I would love to meet Bridget in real life one day; until then, I have this to share with y'all:

Okay so we usually start with a little bio of you: where you were raised, your schooling, how long you've been married, kids and their ages, hobbies etc. 
Born in Oklahoma but was raised in Texas
Bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Oklahoma
Married 23 years
20-year-old son who is attending the University of Notre Dame  

1. Cradle Catholic, Convert, or Revert? (feel free to expound) I'm a Cradle Catholic, but I've really grown in my faith...and am continuing to learn and grow...over the past 10-15 years. Probably the best decision we made as a family was for Jack to attend Frassati Catholic High School in north Houston. It's run by the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia. That experience strengthened and encouraged our family's faith in so many ways. It's an incredible place. 

2. You are the creator of the wonderful blog Bake@350, tell us, how that came to be and where you learned your mad skills? Who/What inspired you to bake like a boss? My inspiration was to simply EAT MORE COOKIES. When my son was born, I quit my job, but I would think back fondly on the decorated cookies they would send us as treats or have at meetings. I missed those cookies. I learned to decorate through trial and error...mainly error. The good thing about cookies is, you can eat your mistakes. 

3. What skill do you struggle with the most? At the moment, crocheting. I'm trying to learn, but it does not come naturally to me. 

4. What are some things you avoid (either personally or as family) NOTE: For example, as a family, we avoid T.V. and the mall;  and personally I try to avoid gossiping, using bad language and entertainment news. When Jack was younger, we made a point to avoid overscheduling. The three of us were home and eating dinner together most every night.

5.  What book (s) are you currently reading or would like to read? I'm reading the four "Summer Series" books by Lisa Wingate. She's become a new favorite of mine. Her book The Prayer Box got me hooked. I just finished Ray Guarendi's Thinking Like Jesus. Lots of highlighted passages in there! 

6. What is your favorite read-aloud? Looking back to when Jack was younger, reading was our jam. Ha. We loved read-alouds, and he loved to read on his own. He loved everything...I fondly remember Kevin Henkes books, Ferdinand, and of course, Dr. Seuss. We read all of the Harry Potter books aloud when he was older. I cried my way through the last one, both from the story and also from knowing that our special time together reading them was coming to an end. 

7. What's your favorite product (i.e. personal,  kitchen-related or otherwise)? 
I'm going to go the food route here: 
Almost anything from Trader Joe's
Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate chips
Guittard milk chocolate chips
Amarena cherries
Justin's vanilla almond butter

8. What's your best parenting tip for a young mama? ENJOY it. It goes by so fast. Everyone says the parent of a 20-year-old, I can tell you it's true. The hard days, the boring days, the frustrating me, you'll want to have them all back. Also, don't ever stop with the hugs and the kisses. They need them as teens and young adults, too. 

9. You're hosting a wonderful dinner party,  Name any three people you would invite.
Oh, this is a tough one.  I know this - I'd love to have my mom here for one more dinner. I miss her like crazy. 

10. What does the menu look like at said party?
My mom always made lasagna for company, so that's frequently my go-to. I'm picturing going a different way, though, with Frito Chili Pie and White Texas Sheet Cake

THANK YOU Bridget!!

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