Tuesday, December 10, 2013

O Mary, Conceived without Sin...

So, today we celebrated the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  We colored pictures from Holy Heroes, I made yummy Vanilla Cupcakes and we went to Mass.  It's funny, but, whenever I think of the term "Immaculate Conception" my mind always cuts to the scene in the movie  Song of Bernadette when Bernadette is interrogated by the priest for calling 'the lady' the "Immaculate Conception". It is a powerful scene and one I remember well, both for the contrast between the cold, gruff priest and the soft and humble Bernadette; as well as for the introduction of this mysterious and beautiful title. It brings home the point that Our Lady, unlike any other human that was or will be, was privileged by God. She was preserved from the stain of sin from the very moment she came to be in order for her to be the Mother of God the Son.
Speaking of  'Mother', Richard read to me a very salient definition of the term 'matrimony' this afternoon.  Of course, no other definition save for one from Aquinas' Summa Theologica would suffice:

"Three things may be considered in matrimony.  First, its essence, which is a joining together, and in reference to this it is called the conjugal union; secondly, its cause, which is the wedding, and in reference to this it is called the nuptial union...thirdly, the effect, which is the offspring, and in reference to this it is called matrimony, as Augustine says... because a woman's sole purpose in marrying should be motherhood...since the duty of bringing up the children chiefly devolves on the woman...Although the father ranks above the mother, the mother has more to do with the offspring than the father has. Or we may say that woman was made chiefly in order to be man's helpmate in relation to the offspring, whereas the man was not made for this purpose.  Wherefore the mother has a closer relation to the nature of marriage than the father has." Q.44 Article 2

Isn't that powerful? "The mother has a closer relation to the nature of marriage than the father has"? Wow.  That whole revelation and understanding just blew me away.  Truth be told, I never really gave the nature of marriage an in depth examination.  The roles of husband and wife and mother and father, yes.  But this.  This is beautiful ...and scary.  Beautiful because it makes sense, especially when you look at it through the lens of the Holy Family. Joseph played a small yet important role as Jesus' adoptive father but Mary IS the Mother of God. Her whole life and marriage pointed to and centered on being Jesus' mother.
This beautiful revelation is also scary when you apply it to one's own life:  I may be solely responsible for the kind of people my children become.  That the duty of bringing up the children chiefly devolves on the woman!, who knew?  Aquinas did.
 Oh Lord, help me to be a good and patient mama.  Help me to be kind and gentle and humble.  See my weaknesses and grant me the grace and strength to raise these children to be virtuous and good. Our Lady, intercede for us and keep us under Your mantle of protection.  O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!

Failing that, at least my kids like my cooking.

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